12 September 2010

Seems Worth Thinking About All Of This Rather Carefully

From: agerard@omaralbachir.org [mailto:agerard@omaralbachir.org]

Sent: 25 August 2010 21:15

To: hotline_undp@yahoo.ca


Dear Leon,

As a Angolan writer, We will appreciate, you join THE COALITION OMAR EL BECHIR. I'm suggesting you to accept a to be a member of the Coalition . As mentioned in Coalition Statutes, your travel fees and charges regarding Coalition activities, as a member are paid by the Coalition. Our next meeting will be held in Khartoum or Accra by mid-september 2010.

Please have a look on all details of what's going on in Sudan and What the Coalition is for. Please get back to me as quick as possible.

For any further information, please visit our website:




And send us your profile or resume and photo.

Best Regards!

Armand Gerard OBOU

From: Leon Kukkuk


To: agerard@omaralbachir.org

Received: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 2:23 PM

Dear Mr Armand Gérard Obou,

I am very flattered to be invited to join the THE COALITION OMAR EL BECHIR.

Unfortunately I will not be able to accept.

I am largely in agreement with the stance of the African Union, League of Arab States, Non-Aligned Movement, and the governments of Russia and China in regarding the warrant as unwarranted. I also feel that it demonstrates a selectivity and double standard with concern to war that could hamper, rather than help, efforts to bring peace to Sudan .

However people are complicated, and I very, very rarely support individuals, especially those in positions of power, as wholeheartedly and uncritically as membership of a coalition would demand.

I am more than happy to join any coalition that support principles that I believe in such as pan-African humanism, a commitment to overall human development of Africa, the full independence of our continent and the promotion of democratic values through ongoing dialogue with opposition, universal suffrage, free expression, freedom of religious practices and gender issues.

Within such a coalition I would be in a much better position to support President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir to the extent that he upholds the above principles, through action rather than rhetoric, and still be able to speak out in the instances where he does not.

Thank you again for the offer.

Best wishes

Leon Kukkuk

26 February 2010

The Image and the Pseudo-event

Human: Characteristic of people as opposed to God or animals or machines, especially susceptible to weakness, and therefore showing the qualities of man.

Just a brief interlude.

After the chaos following the overthrow of a murderous American-backed dictator there had been a terrible famine. By the end of 1992 it was virtually over. Red Cross supplies were getting through to the people. The situation appeared to be under control. It was at that point George Bush (Papa Bush not Baby Bush) decided to make a spectacular show of “humanitarian aid.”

Marines were sent in. Naturally all the news networks were notified. What would be the point otherwise? There was a night landing in front of TV cameras waiting for them. It was so comical that even the television teams couldn't take it seriously. But the marines with their night vision equipment were blinded by the camera lights and the crews had to be ordered to shut them off. Of course, there was no resistance.

Then followed a tragicomedy in which some lives were saved by humanitarian aid but many were lost by heavy-handed military tactics. All of this was later blamed on the United Nations. It was a fiasco, and it was all under American military control. Almost all their most elite troops were there. The Americans estimated that between 7 000 and 10 000 locals were killed. Fewer than a hundred Americans lost their lives. They seemed to accept that for what it was worth. Specialists who have worked in the area estimated that about as many people were saved by the humanitarian intervention as were killed by the military operation. They could even have been the same people. It was felt that the whole matter may even have proceeded better without the military. It also appears that the whole thing was done mostly for Public Relations purposes. It was at any rate promoted that way. That's only the beginning.

Genuine offers of assistance and subsequent intervention in other peoples’ lives would often be considered a good thing. It is often quite easy.

There is much soul-searching and a lot self-flagellation on why we so often get it wrong.

As a result of this shambles and the subsequent soul-searching, the Americans refused to get involved in the Rwandan genocide. When they refused, all in the West also decided not to intervene to stop it.

Today Rwanda is often mentioned as an example of the failure of the United Nations, and it was that indeed. But what is possibly even worse is the failure to mention that the UN failed because the United States kept UN peacekeepers from being reinforced, cut off their supplies, and pushed ceaselessly to have them removed. Or the failure to mention that the State Department deliberately covered up its clear knowledge that what was happening was genocide.

For 100 days, people were killed at the rate of about 8 000 a day. It is the same as about a third of the number of children who die every day in the world from easily treatable diseases, not for 100 days, but every day.

This is far easier, but not very glamorous, to stop than sending troops to Rwanda. All that is required is to spend a small amount to bribe drug companies to produce the required remedies. It would require them to do something different than that which they are required to do by law: maximize profits at all costs, often by making medicines only for the rich.

That should be enough to stop ongoing Rwanda-style killings, and stop this not just for one hundred days, but constantly.

Is anyone doing it?

What does that tell us about the alleged humanitarian concerns over Rwanda?

Or Darfur? Or Aghanistan? Or Iraq? Or the Congo?

What it does tells us, very clearly, is that humanitarian concerns are wonderful so long as it's someone else's crimes and we do not have to do anything about them apart from striking heroic poses.

It also tells us a lot more.

Much of the formal structures on which we depend, and told that we have to depend upon, are simply a motley collection of institutions, a few individuals that had conferred upon themselves a series of mandates of their own choosing, and now function as a mutual backslapping society, giving one another high office and all the power, influence and prestige that go with it.

Ponder for a moment upon the savagery and criminality of a society that is based on institutional structures so utterly insane that in order to stop, not only genocide but permanent Rwanda-style killings among children of the world, there are no tools available except to bribe unaccountable private tyrannies to pretend to save them.

12 January 2010

Paradoxes of Rationality

Once upon a time, in 1988 in fact, on 03 July, the USS Vincennes, a missile cruiser stationed in the Persian Gulf, accidentally shot down an Iranian airliner. It killed 290 passengers.

George Bush, on his presidential campaign at the time, was asked for an explanation. He emphatically stated that, “I will never apologize for the United States. I don't care what the facts are.”

Although the story is old, and completely irrelevant in this context, I like it. It tells us something important about how politicians think. It is for them more important to follow their own agenda. The truth is often seen as some inconvenient impediment. Yet there are always the more troublesome individuals amongst us, who do care what the facts are and who will demand explanations.

All of which brings us to the Copenhagen Global Warming Conference held in December 2009.

It involved some 193 nations getting together to discuss the threat that global warming poses to our planet. It consisted for a large part of the same motley mix of individuals and assorted do-gooders that has persistently failed to do anything about such things as poverty, AIDS, Malaria and an assorted range of human ills.

The objective of this huge talking shop was to create a global agreement that extended and expanded the Kyoto Protocol. They were concerned about what can be done about an apparent and uncontrolled rise in global temperatures.

There is absolutely no doubt that human beings will need to adapt to such a thing if indeed the temperature is to increase dramatically. There would be a number of practical implications for human beings; some good, some bad. But temperature data is generally such a mess of random fluctuations that with enough manipulation you could derive any bogus trend you please. So the fact is that nobody probably really knows if it is rising, and if it is, by how much it will rise, or for how long. The climate has been comfortably uniform for thousands of years. The only sudden changes in the earths’ temperature – sudden such as in over hundreds or thousands of years – tend to be a sudden drop in temperature causing ice ages. Normally the temperature tends to go up for a while – over a few decades or so – and then down for a while. All of this happens within a comparatively narrow temperature range.

Were any of these issues discussed at the Copenhagen Conference?

No. Amidst the apocalyptic talk – how it could be calamitous for the human species - they waffled on about Greenhouse gas emissions. The real connection between greenhouse gasses and the climate, much less any effect human production of greenhouse gasses can have on the climate, was not discussed. Or it was, but was discussed by politicians, do-gooders and people who obviously slept through their high school physics classes. Then the final Copenhagen deal did not even manage to establish any greenhouse gas emission targets for anybody.

They waffled on about how nations – humans in other words - must limit temperature increases to no more than 2o Celsius. Then they lamented on the failure of the representatives of these 193 countries to clinch the “real deal” on how exactly to achieve this.

They did agree that CO2 emissions should be measured, reported and verified by . . . well, they were a bit vague about that one. Apparently some global organization would influence and monitor all nations' efforts to reduce their CO2 emissions. Would it be similar to the multitude of global organisations that monitor and influence all nations’ efforts to reduce poverty? Or promote democracy? Or spend public money properly?

Is it expected that this organisation have the same record of success?

If human beings are to suddenly start messing around with the climate in order to make the planet a more convenient and predictable place to live, why limit human interference only to the climate?

Why not go the whole hog?

Although the Copenhagen commitment to limit a global rise in temperature to two degrees is laudable, there are a number of other equally deserving causes that are being completely ignored:

1. Stopping continental drift. The current arrangement of continents is just fine. Humans have gotten used to it over the last few millennia. Besides airfares are likely to get completely out of hand should continents continue to drift apart unchecked. The negative impact on an already fragile airline industry will threaten to disrupt a whole way of life, dependent on easy and cheap international travel.

2. Limiting volcanic eruptions to one major eruption per millennium. Volcanic eruptions, especially, are really disruptive events. These eruptions tend to spew billions of tons of dust into the atmosphere, playing all sorts havoc with the climate as well as with the comfortable visual familiarity of sunsets and sunrises. Small eruptions, however, should perhaps be increased due to the tourist attraction value.

3. If global temperatures are indeed rising, then the warming effect of the Gulf Stream on some remote North Atlantic islands and the west coast of Scandinavia would become redundant. It would be much more sensible to reverse the direction of this oceanic current. It can then flow south-westwards from the comparative cold of the sub-arctic to cool down the Caribbean. Since this would be in violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, a global organization could be established to have this rather silly law annulled. This organisation can then also influence and monitor all sorts of other laws of nature that have become dated or inconvenient. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, for one, springs to mind. Imagine the possibilities for human invention if scientists are no longer obliged to work their way around all sorts of uncertainties as is the case under the current laws of nature.

The possibilities for international conferences, first class international travel, pompous reports and general scaremongering are endless. And making money. What makes these causes any less deserving than the climate from being under human control rather than that of nature?

The problem with defining and discussing the challenges that face human beings is that it is not done through elected governments that may become unelected if they loose touch with reality. Defining and discussing the challenges that face human beings nowadays tend to be the domain of a bunch of unelected power brokers, who always pop up just where the action is. Under a variety of different guises, they press their agendas on all manner of things. The majority of these they also invent and define themselves. The prime movers in a complex new system of power and influence, this shadow elite make public decisions without consulting the public. They make decisions about everything - from the economy, to national policy of countries of which they are not even citizens, to foreign policy and financial rules. Ultimately, they answer only to each other.

They make no distinction between the weather and climate. No distinction between our responsibility to take care of our natural environment and controlling the climate.

Having defined CO2 as the great evil facing all of humanity they are now preparing to do with carbon what they have done with a number of other things: design and market derivatives contracts that will help client companies hedge their price risk over the long term. Carbon-related financial products are just about ready to be sold to investors.

Banks will apparently allow a mandatory carbon-trading system to save the planet at the lowest possible cost. In this manner a completely new U$D2 trillion market can be created by turning climate change into yet another commodities market. Derivatives, by the way, are securities whose value is derived from the value of an underlying commodity. In this case it is CO2 and other greenhouse gases (the most common of which is water vapour).

Selling fluff in the truest sense of the word . . .

06 March 2008

Really, Really Small Science (propaganda in other words)

The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself.— Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister

In the UNDP Turkey newsletter for January 2008 there is the following article:


“UNDP received top ranking on the 2007 Global Accountability Report launched in London on 4 December by One World Trust, a leading expert in the field of global governance and accountability.
UNDP is among 30 of the world's leading organizations from intergovernmental, non-governmental, and corporate sectors assessed by One World Trust according to four widely-accepted dimensions of accountability: transparency, participation, evaluation, and complaint and response mechanisms.
Commenting on the report, UNDP Administrator Kemal Dervis said, “UNDP finds the key dimensions of the Global Accountability Framework -- transparency, participation, evaluation and complaint/response management -- to be particularly useful and instructive. The Framework independently validates UNDP’s current work and sheds light on areas of possible improvement. This feedback is critical to UNDP’s continued progress in this area and adherence to the best practices of accountability.”
For UNDP’s profile and results in the 2007 Global Accountability Report, click here. The full report is available on the One World Trust website.”

Kemal Dervis, the present administrator of UNDP, is Turkish.

This report was launched By Mark Malloch Brown, UNDP Administrator 1999-2005, in London.

The Introduction to the report was written by Mark Malloch Brown, UNDP Administrator 1999-2005.

The section in the report on UNDP has as its only contributor Mark Malloch Brown, UNDP Administrator 1999-2005.

The biography, admittedly a selected one, quotes as the only source for UNDP, “UNDP (2000) The Way Forward: The Administrator’s Business Plans 2000-2003, UNDP” written by Mark Malloch Brown, UNDP Administrator 1999-2005. (or at least written on his behalf.)

This glowing endorsement of UNDP is only slightly tempered by the admission that:

“While the UNDP has a high quality policy, the organisation’s practice of handling complaints has come under strong criticism recently. Two high profile cases have emerged of UNDP personnel in West Africa and North Korea who claim to have reported malpractice and consequently lost their jobs. UNDP disputes the claims. The West Africa case is currently before the UN Joint Appeals Board, where UNDP will be bound by any ruling. The North Korea case has been taken up by a broader Independent Investigative Review (IIR) of UNDP operations in North Korea. The IIR is expected to produce a final report in early 2008. UNDP along with the other UN Funds and Programmes are in the process of harmonizing whistleblower protection policies into a common UN ethics system. The UNDP is also consolidating its existing protections under a new UNDP Ethics Office. Therefore, while the UNDP policy is of a high quality, ongoing efforts will likely be required to ensure good practice principles protecting complainants are integrated throughout operations and embedded within the organizational culture to ensure consistent treatment of complainants across the organization.”

What we have here is not a “framework (that) independently validates UNDP’s current work and sheds light on areas of possible improvement” but a piece of propaganda and a very insidious one at that.

Big Science

The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself.— Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister

Econometrics, the application of statistics to social science questions, is without a doubt the biggest and most respected of all the Pseudo-sciences. It is a tool remarkable for its ability to demonstrate whatever a researcher wants it to demonstrate. As a political tool it is unsurpassed for its predictive powers; competing only with astrology in this regard, but having the benefit of sounding far, far more credible (it has lots of numbers and graphs in it).

Econometrics is particularly popular with economists from the World Bank, The International Monetary Fund and United Nations development agencies.
The same tool can be used to conclusively demonstrate that foreign aid “works” and will solve all the worlds’ problems as propagated by Jeffrey Sachs. It is just as effective to demonstrate that foreign aid is a waste of time and even counter-productive as William Easterly wants us to believe.
Fortunately David Roodman, a researcher at CGD, provides some excellent papers to help ordinary mortal make sense of all of this:
Through the Looking-Glass, and What OLS Found There: On Growth, Foreign Aid, and Reverse Causality - Working Paper 137, Macro Aid Effectiveness Research: A Guide for the Perplexed - Working Paper 134, Aid Project Proliferation and Absorptive Capacity - Working Paper 75.
The Center for Global Development (CGD) is a very informative and competent organisation “that works to reduce global poverty and inequality through rigorous research and active engagement with the policy community.”

In one of the Abstracts from these papers David Roodman explains the nature of the problem:

“Like many public policy debates, that over whether foreign aid works carries on in two worlds. Within the research world, it plays out in the form of papers full of technical language, formulas, and numbers. Outside, the arguments are plainer and the audience broader, but those academic studies remain a touchstone. While avoiding jargon, this paper reviews recent, contending studies of how much foreign aid affects country-level outcomes such as economic growth and school attendance rates. This particular kind of study is ambitious: it is far easier to evaluate a school-building project, say, on whether the school was built and children filled its seats than to determine whether all aid, or large subcomponents of it, made the economy grow faster. Because of its ambition, this literature has attracted attention from those hoping for clear answers on whether aid “works.” On balance, the quantitative approach to exploring grand questions about aid effectiveness, which began 40 years ago, was worth trying and is probably worth pursuing somewhat further. But the literature will probably continue to disappoint as often as it offers hope. Perhaps the biggest challenge is going beyond documenting correlations to demonstrating causation—not just that aid went hand-in-hand with economic growth, but caused it. Aid has eradicated diseases, prevented famines, and done many other good things. But given the limited and noisy data available, its effects on growth in particular probably cannot be detected.”

These are ambitious aims, and although the papers go some way in providing clarity, the author himself contributes, in his own small way, to noisy and limited data, through the all-too-common gymnastics of garnering authority through references to scientific principles. The problem with these principles is that they belong somewhere else and explain other things. The principles of physics and mathematics - as a rule - have no place in justifying social arguments.

By far the most irritating of all is the butterfly story that goes something like this; “the probability that it will rain in London is determined whether a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon forest.” One finds this statement all over the place, to justify and “explain” a surprising number of things, usually completely unrelated to either butterflies or rain. Or London and the Amazon forest.
However much I would like to rant against this stupid habit in more detail, David Roodman does not sink so low as to use it. He does nevertheless make some other statements in a similar vain, and just as insidious:

“in the intellectual revolution triggered by the twentieth century’s encounter with hard limits to human knowledge. Werner Heisenberg discovered that an observer cannot simultaneously measure the position and velocity of a particle with perfect accuracy. Kurt Gödel showed that there are true mathematical statements that are unprovable and false ones that are irrefutable.”

There is absolutely no statement, in science, or in any of the other knowledge generating systems, that unambiguously demonstrate that there are any hard limits to human knowledge (knowledge is the concern of Epistemology, by the way).
Practical considerations aside – lack of information, too much data, too much work, no funding, not particularly important or interesting – the only limit to human knowledge (if there is one) is human intelligence.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, which is what is referred to above, belongs in physics, more specifically in Quantum Theory.
It goes something like this: “The probability with which we can know the velocity of a particle is inversely proportional to the probability with which we can know where it is.”
A more accurate, but more obscure, explanation is that the uncertainty in the velocity of a particle x the uncertainty in its position x its mass cannot be less than Planck’s constant.
There is a number of other more accurate but also more obscure explanations of the same phenomenon.

This phenomenon applies to moving particles only and is an inherent feature of reality rather than simply a quirk of Quantum Theory. Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein argued about this for decades. Niels Bohr won the argument.
The ability to know the exact position as well as the exact velocity of a particle would provide us with information at best, not knowledge. It does not affect our ability to know.
Who would want to know such a strange and irrelevant a thing as the exact position and exact velocity of any given particle? Why?

The same sort of argument applies to the theorems of Kurt Gödel. These are, if anything, even more abused than any other mathematical statement, probably because they sound so compelling.

Kurt Gödel made some rather important contributions to the Theory of Relativity but is best remembered, and abused, for his two Theorems in Number Theory. These are the Completeness Theorem and the Consistency Theorem.
Their very names suggest that they must be very compelling.

They are very boring. They consist largely of very long lists of numbers.
They have none of the elegance of the many other mathematical theorems that caused David Deutch, for example, to consider the power of mathematics as miraculous.
Gödel’s Theorems have no application in the real world.
There is no aspect of reality that is a bit fussy because it is incomplete, or places where we are told not to go because it is a bit inconsistent.

Reality likes to live on the edge, it is often the case that our explanations of it must skirt the very edges of completeness and contradiction, but reality itself is always both complete and consistent.

What is more Gödel’s Theorems apply only to axiomatic systems. Axiomatic systems are systems that postulate things that are so simple that they are considered to be self-evident and then build up a number of theorems from those axioms.
The two main axiomatic systems are Number Theory and Geometry.
Number Theory has several hundred axioms, but has no practical application as far as I know. Physics rely on axioms only very weakly, and mostly in that interface where it justifies using mathematics to explain physical phenomena.

Geometry has only five axioms, and a lot of practical applications. It only becomes incomplete and contradictory under very strange circumstances, such as the behaviour of space and time in or near singularities. To fully explain what happens there we can cheat and use algebra. Or something else.

The quirks of mathematics and physics should not be considered to have correlation in all of reality.

Werner Heisenberg and Kurt Gödel cannot be blamed for the weakness of Econometrics.
Econometrics itself is responsible for this. I will cop out at this point in trying to explain it in detail, there is too much of a risk of boring both myself and everybody else.
David Roodman admits to the major weakness when he claims that “Theories are merely nice stories describing reality.”

A nice story about reality is simply that – nice story.

Even the most simpleminded view is that a theory is a model of the universe, or a restricted part of it, and a set of rules that relate quantities in the model to observations that we make. A theory is only any good if it satisfies two requirements. It must accurately describe a large class of observations on the basis of a model that contains only a few arbitrary elements, and it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations.

Invoking the limitations of one knowledge generating system to explain weaknesses in another or, worse, invoking a fundamental, inescapable property of unrelated real things (particles for example) to explain systemic limitations, is quite simply making excuses.
One cannot systemically determine what is knowable and unknowable in any particular system if there is no coherent underlying system to do it with and Econometrics is notable, if anything, for its incoherence. It is notable for the way that equations are arbitrarily invented and imposed on haphazardly collected data, its obsession with smoothing out inconvenient little details and its ability to see straight lines and “Ordinary Least Square” graphs when the most logical explanation is the fact that the data is scattered all over the place.

The power of mathematics may be miraculous but it does not and cannot explain everything.

It is impossible to imagine doing Biology without mathematics and without assuming at least the truth of evolution. The results of Biology in fact support evolution and confirm its truth, but the Theory of Evolution itself contains no mathematics. There is no place for it there. There may even be no place for it in Economic growth on large scales and over long periods of time. A purely descriptive explanation may do perfectly well.

03 March 2008

A Truly Frightening Concept

Recently I came across this article published by the New York Times on 05 May 2005 (quite a while ago, admittedly, but still relevant). Its pious message of hope very subtly belies a subtle arrogance, supported by a combination of naivety and stupidity, which is truly frightening.

Here is the article:

A Better Way to Fight Poverty

Kenya has never seemed to be able to live up to the potential of its rich farmland and staggeringly beautiful valleys. Its government is corrupt. Its capital, Nairobi, has become a haven for street thieves and muggers. Some 56 percent of the population lives below the poverty level. Malaria, which could be as treatable as strep throat, kills one in five children every year because the government grossly shortchanges its public health system. All in all, it is a classic case of how African governments can squander foreign aid.
But far from the noise, pollution and public and private crooks of Nairobi, the village of Sauri, practically smack on the equator, is an example of a better way to do things. It is one of two test cases for the United Nations' ambitious program to cut poverty in half by 2015. Sauri's story shows how direct aid can largely bypass governments, getting money and help straight into the hands of the people who not only need it the most, but also know what to do with it.
Anne Omolo, the head teacher of Sauri's sole primary school, arrived six years ago to find a student population that was listless, miserable and performing poorly in national exams. Some 500 children were enrolled, but attendance was low. She soon realized the problem. "They were hungry," she said.
So on her own, she started a food program. She went to the village parents who could afford it and asked them to bring in corn and beans. But almost half of the school's students were orphans whose parents had died of AIDS, and they couldn't afford to contribute food. So Mrs. Omolo and the 10 other teachers dug into their own pockets.
Eventually, they scraped together enough to feed about 100 students. It was a terrible choice. "Not everybody could eat," Mrs. Omolo said. So she fed the top two grades - seventh and eighth graders - because they would soon be taking national exams to move on to high school. Students from the younger classes went to the windows to watch their older schoolmates eat.
The result was instantaneous. Attendance among the older children shot up to 100 percent, and their test scores followed suit. Sauri went from 68th out of 353 schools in the district in 2000 to 7th in 2004.
"This year," Mrs. Omolo says, "we will be No. 1."
Part of the reason for her confidence is that this year, every schoolchild will eat. Sauri was chosen last year to be one of the United Nations' test villages - Koraro, Ethiopia, is the other - to show how poverty in Africa can be ended through programs that help villages directly. For the next five years, Sauri will receive $250,000 a year for agricultural, educational and health programs.
Much of the money will go to help farmers improve their crop yields. Farms are already looking better, thanks to people like Patrick Mutuo, a Kenyan soil expert who travels there from Kisumu four days a week to teach the farmers how to get the most out of their land.
Because of Mr. Mutuo and his band of agricultural extension workers, Monica Okech's six acres of corn, ground nuts and beans are lush and green. Mrs. Okech, a fiercely independent 50-year-old whose husband left her in Sauri years ago, has planted leguminous trees and plants throughout her farm. These plants provide natural fertilizer for what was once depleted soil. Mrs. Okech now feeds 10 villagers, and is building a chicken coop.
The United Nations plan, spearheaded by the economist Jeffrey Sachs, seeks to expand the program to the entire district, and then all over Africa. But that will happen only if rich countries make good on their promise to ratchet up foreign aid to 0.7 percent of G.D.P. by 2015. Britain, France and Germany have all put out timetables for meeting the goal. The United States, the world's richest country, has yet to do so.
In the meantime, the people in Sauri work on their farms while trying to ward off killers like malaria, hunger and AIDS - some 25 percent of them are infected with H.I.V. But all it takes is for the villagers to look across the valley at the anemic farms and dismal test scores of their neighbors to know that they are still the lucky ones.”

Carefully hidden within an essentially constructive story of hope and a positive example of a community working themselves out of a difficult situation - with some outside help – are a few remarks indicative of the “Millennium Development Jokes” (MDG’s) mentality gone completely mad. The MDG’s is the anti-poverty plan that the article alludes to (and hidden amongst the propaganda regarding this plan there are a few sensible articles pointing out what rubbish it really is).

There are countless cases of African governments squandering foreign aid.
If both the givers of that aid and the ultimate intended recipients of that aid want aid to really make a difference in Africa, it is essential that something be done about this unacceptable state of affairs.

It would help if Africans can have more democratic and accountable governments. Recent events in Kenya has shown that Kenyans (and it is true for the bulk of all Africans) do take democracy seriously. They are even prepared to fight for it.
The events in Kenya demonstrate that the process is not easy - the process can be violent and the tactics used can be unacceptable – but there is a process. Optimists believe that this process will ultimately be successful, and that democracy will emerge triumphant.
The international community can play an important role. There are many, including myself, who firmly believe that they have a moral duty to play a strong and meaningful role. And that is exactly the role they should play: work with Africans and their governments to achieve responsible governance. No more, no less.

The one thing that Africa does not need is charity. It especially does not need the type of charity, described in the NYT article above, continent-wide and specifically designed to bypass African governments.
“The United Nations plan, spearheaded by the economist Jeffrey Sachs, seeks to expand the program to the entire district, and then all over Africa,” ostensibly “an example of a better way to do things” that “shows how direct aid can largely bypass governments.”
Jeffrey Sachs is an economist with whom I do not entirely agree, but whom I still expect should know better – much, much better.

One wonders if Mr. Sachs has given adequate thought as to exactly who would keep the tens of thousands of unelected and unaccountable UN officials required for a continent-wide act of charity in check.
This is an organisation famous, not for the quality of its work, but for the quantity and quality of the charlatans, criminals and freeloaders in its midst.

A strong and decisive African leadership is necessary at a time when the continent is facing tough tests, so that Africa does not become a charity case supported entirely by the fickle goodwill of powerful countries, or worse still, become a silent and submissive UN protectorate.

Mike Sidwell of Transparency International has the following to say:

“As part of the United Nation’s (UN) budget discussions at the end of 2007, the General Assembly agreed to extend the mandate of the UN Procurement Task Force (PTF) for a further twelve months.
The PTF hit the headlines in December when the WP published an article detailing a report by the task force, which identified “multiple instances of fraud, corruption, waste and mismanagement at U.N. headquarters and peacekeeping missions, including ten significant instances of fraud and corruption with aggregate value in excess of [US] $610 million.” In addition, the report notes a “collapse of ethical culture and extensive corruption in procurement in the [Congo] Mission which has existed for years,” according to Reuters. Inga-Britt Ahlenius, who, as head of the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services, is responsible for the PTF, told Reuters, “We can say that we found mismanagement and fraud and corruption to an extent we didn’t really expect.”
UN spokesperson Michele Montas is quoted in AFP acknowledging that: “We are well aware that there have been problems in procurement…This is why we are moving full steam ahead with procurement reform in order to have a system that is much tighter and transparent, leaving less room for abuse.” According to Reuters, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has told reporters that he wants the UN “to be as transparent as possible in its management and procurement activities.”

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has been saying things such as these ever since he came into office in January 2007.
His confident promise of a “worldwide audit of all Programmes and Funds” quickly dissipated into nothing, apparently because he was told exactly how much muck such a thing would dredge up.
He has allowed the scandal driven agency responsible for the MDG’s, UNDP’s Administrator and deputy-Administrator - respectively Kemal Dervis and Ad Melkert - to lead him up the garden path, and subvert the scope and mandate of the Ethics Office created in 2005, presumably so that these two gentlemen can continue running their crime syndicate without undue outside interference.
Very little, if any, of what Secretary General Ban Ki-moon promises should be believed, and his organization, under no circumstances whatsoever, should be allowed to subvert and by-pass African governments, for any reason whatsoever.

19 September 2007

Make Things As Simple As Possible, And No Simpler.

Following on from the previous post, it may be useful to duplicate here some of the discussion around Aid that I have extracted from the internet.
Much of the simplicity that exists in the reporting regarding the effectiveness of development aid is in fact promoted by many of the Aid Agencies themselves. Very few of them want too much scrutiny of their activities and as the following letter in The Irish Times of 21 June 2007, “Aid and Corruption in Africa”, amply demonstrates, continue with the rather unhelpful attitude that NGO’s and Aid organisations are fundamentally superior to national governments and inherently capable of providing a better service:

I feel compelled to respond to Hans Zomer's claim (June 15th) that in respect of aid and corruption in Africa I am, in essence, advocating "running away from the problems, abandoning the poor, and leaving the problem of corruption untouched".
This is a gross misrepresentation of my position, as anyone who has taken the time to read or listen to what I have actually been saying will be only too aware.
Mr Zomer writes that the "vast majority of corruption cases [in Africa] arise not from development aid, but in the interaction between private businesses". Not in my experience.
Where private business in Africa is concerned, most corruption takes the form of having to pay kickbacks, not to other companies but to a myriad of local and central government officials.
From his initial false premise, Mr Zomer goes on to argue for "donor countries and developing countries to work together to address both 'supply' and 'demand' sides of corruption". This is about as hopelessly naïve as it is possible to get.
Does he not realise that many of the governments that he suggests as partners in a battle against corruption are themselves profoundly corrupt? If he doesn't then, given his position as Director of Dóchas, he should. Sending a thief to catch a thief makes for a handy cliché but it doesn't quite work as a strategy in real life, and certainly not in the real life of Africa.
Some of the most corrupt regimes on that continent are being entrusted with large amounts of aid and only a percentage of this is finding its way to those of their citizens who are most in need. This is a fact.
It is these governments that concern me - more precisely, I am concerned about donors filtering aid through them when it is clear that the bulk of them have no interest whatsoever in the lives of their own people. Government to government aid, when the governments involved are either institutionally corrupt or have been brutalising their people, is of absolutely no value to those who need our aid most.
What I have been advocating for over 25 years is that, instead of allowing aid to be misappropriated and used to prop up corrupt regimes, wherever possible it should be filtered directly through missionaries and effective NGO’s and UN agencies. We have also argued that Western governments should adopt an entrepreneurial approach, acting as project managers to deliver the aid themselves so that greedy despots will not get their hands on the billions of taxpayers' funds.
Contrary to Mr Zomer's outrageous claim, I am in fact lobbying for maximum accountability so that we can ensure that aid is of maximum benefit to those who most require it. This should be of at least some concern to all of us.
Yours, etc,
John O'Shea, Goal, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.”

This letter itself makes a number of “false premises” and is itself “about as hopelessly naïve as it is possible to get.”
Corruption exits everywhere where there are large amounts of money available and few, if any controls over how it is spent. In other words pretty much the sort of environment in which NGO’s function.
In reality there are very few realistic alternatives other than for "donor countries and developing countries to work together to address both 'supply' and 'demand' sides of corruption."
Giving money directly to NGO’s, even in the rare instances that these NGO’s then do something truly helpful with it, invariably end up with the situation where these organisations then do what local governments are supposed to do, thus leaving these governments even less accountable to their people and more inclined to be corrupt.
The author claims that he is “concerned about donors filtering aid through (governments) when it is clear that the bulk of them have no interest whatsoever in the lives of their own people.”
It is equally true that the bulk of NGO’s likewise, have no interest whatsoever in the lives of these people. NGO’s have amply demonstrated over the last decades their own obsession with donors and with where their funds come from. This letter gives the impression that the author, if anything, simply resents having to compete with governments for a share of donor funds.
He claims that “wherever possible (funds) should be filtered directly through missionaries and effective NGO’s and UN agencies.”
The job of missionaries, who already have an abysmal record in Africa over the last three centuries, is not development. It is ultimately about the promotion of their own view of the world and of creating new converts. There is no need for donors to fund this.
Goal, the organisation that the author represents, is emphatically not an effective NGO. It is impossible to find any independent, rigorous and effective evaluations of what this organisation does and how it spends its funds. This organisation is just as inclined as the most corrupt government to cover up its failures and to misrepresent itself. There are in fact very, very few truly effective NGO’s. The history of Aid over the last three decades is that of an unmitigated failure. Who perpetuated this failure?
There are even fewer effective UN agencies. The UN at best occasionally gets simple things more or less right, such as distributing food. In the much more complicated development challenges, protecting human rights and representing the concerns of the vulnerable, they have failed hopelessly. Not even the most corrupt government in the world has yet achieved the same levels of unaccountability, fraud, waste and mendacity as the average UN agency. The bulk of UN officials arrive at work every day with one overriding concern. This concern is “How much money can I steal today?”
Talk about sending a thief to catch a thief.
Is Mr. O’Shea truly trying to convince the world that his motley collection of volunteers are doing, or could potentially do, more than national governments can?
There are many reasons why national governments often do not provide the services that they are supposed to provide. It is important to discuss these failures, important also to include these governments in these discussions. There are no simplistic solutions.
The world could conceivable do without the presence of NGO’s, it may arguably be a better world in many respects without them.
It is inconceivable to imagine a world without national governments.
Taking taxpayer money and giving it to NGO’s to do in foreign lands what governments there are supposed to be doing - even if these NGO’s end up actually doing something - is but a subtle form of colonialism.
Aid can only achieve “maximum accountability” and be of the “maximum benefit to those who most require it” when those recipients have an effective say over when, how and where it is spent. The most effective way in which people can express these desires are through their own institutions and their own governments. It is not helpful when international organisations arrive, often uninvited, to overwhelm and even destroy these institutions. Governments can only become accountable to their citizens when these governments rely upon its people for their vote, their labour and their taxes in order to provide basic services. It is often when Aid, through NGO’s, remove this impetuous to demand and thus the government need to provide basic services, that governments become even more corrupt and even more unaccountable.

The most coherent response to Mr. O’Shea’s argument is in fact on the internet already in “The Business of Aid: Making sure aid is effective” by Paul Cullen in The Irish Times of 15 November 2005 (as copied from Partners Ireland eForum 2005):
“Making sure aid is effective not so simple. The business of aid - how they spend it: Between now and 2012 Ireland will give 8 billion to the developing world, writes Paul Cullen As part of the Government's commitment to increase aid to UN target levels, spending will grow by massive increments over the next decade - starting with an increase of over 150 million next year and a similar rise in 2007. Nothing like this increase in Government spending has been seen before in any area but, remarkably, the decision to reach the target of 0.7 per cent of GNP has the support of all political parties and the approval, albeit grudging, of the Department of Finance. Increases of this magnitude throw up all sorts of challenges for those spending the money. There is no doubt that developing countries, with their chronic problems of poverty are in massive need of assistance, but how can we be sure that Irish aid will be effective? Or that it will get to the people who need it most? We may need to make changes to other areas of Government and EU policy if we are to get the greatest "bang for our buck" from development aid. Is there much point, for example, in throwing millions of euros in support at African farmers if at the same time the EU is blocking the exports of these same farmers? And shouldn't we be making more efforts to see whether Irish aid actually works, by reducing poverty in the countries and districts on which it is focused. According to Hans Zomer of Dóchas, the umbrella body for development NGO’s, accounting for where the money goes in aid and finding out whether it has been well spent is "the next big thing". "All NGO’s have to ensure that they can show clearly the impact the work they support has had," says Trócaire's head of communications Eamon Meehan. "This is an area we want to work on." The main international body for assessing the quality of aid is the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD. In 1999, the committee gave Ireland's aid programme a positive write-up, though it suggested room for improvement in several areas. Its 2003 report was glowing; it said the programme "distinguished itself by its sharp focus on poverty reduction and its commitment to partnership principles". However, these reports are essentially peer reviews by other members of the aid donors' "club" rather than true external audits; they are also limited in their scope. Meanwhile, the work of the individual aid agencies is not generally subject to any external assessment by the OECD committee or any other body. The agencies aren't shy about telling us of their good works, but there is remarkably little scrutiny of their effectiveness. As in other areas, fashions come and go in the aid business. In the 1960s, when big infrastructural projects were all the rage, Western governments pumped billions of dollars into the construction of dams, roads and factories in some of the world's poorest countries. Much of the money was siphoned off by corrupt leaders and their bureaucracies, and much of what was actually built never worked. "In the past, aid was given as political handouts to friends and there wasn't much thought given to how it was used or where it went. Today, though, it's a more professional enterprise," says Meehan. These days, paternalistic models of aid rooted in colonial pasts have been replaced by more talk of partnership with developing countries. "It's true you need to build schools, but what use is a school without salaries for the teachers to work in them?" asks Zomer. The aid business went back to the drawing board, and came up with new ideas. Instead of supporting projects, the emphasis switched to funding for specific sectors, such as health or education. Development Co-operation Ireland, the State's aid programme, now provides a mix of these different types of supports, including budgetary support for governments, which has proved so controversial in Uganda. "We've learned that development is about people, helping them to lead productive lives," says Zomer. "By making sure they don't get sick, or that they get an education or can trade, we're making a real difference." There are almost as many ideas about how money should be spent as there are aid agencies. On the one hand, agencies like Goal argue for "nuts and bolts" expenditure targeted directly on the poorest sections of the community; they argue this is the best way of getting aid to those who need it without leakage along the way. Governments, responsible for much larger budgets, have to take a wider view and much of their support is channelled through local administrations in the developing world. Then there are organisations, for example Trócaire, which stress the need for consciousness-raising at home and in the developing world, and devote considerable resources to development education. Goal's founder John O'Shea has argued trenchantly that aid money should be given for disbursement to aid agencies and missionaries, which he characterises as lean and efficient compared to bureaucratic State funders. Even other agencies are loath to agree, however. Zomer describes this assertion as simplistic, arguing that states, with their larger budgets, can do things that small groups are unable to. The extra funding available has helped agencies plan further into the future. In the past, problems arose when funding was withdrawn suddenly, leaving the recipient high and dry and quite disillusioned. Now most of the larger agencies receive an annual block grant from Development Co-operation Ireland, payable for three years. A second such programme, which is expected to last five years, is being negotiated at present. New fundraising techniques, such as child sponsorship and face-to-face fundraising ("chugging") also provide the agencies with a more dependable stream of income than the annual or once-off appeal. Most of the aid agencies publish figures showing how much of their income goes on assistance to the poor, and how much is consumed by administration costs. Concern, for example, says it spends 1 per cent of income on management and administration (although another 12.4 per cent goes on fundraising). These figures need to be treated with caution, however. Staff and other significant costs incurred at home are frequently assigned to the field, thereby lowering the true cost of administration. Many agencies, for example, regularly pay for journalists to travel on assignment to developing countries, yet their costs are not listed separately in the annual accounts. In any case, Zomer says the issue of administration costs is a "red herring". "If you had 1 million to give, would you hand it to the person who would do the best work with it, or to someone claiming to have the lowest administration costs? If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Why do people assume NGO’s will work for free and still do a good job? "The days when people thought that anyone with a good heart would do a good job are surely over." He points to the recent tsunami as an example: "There we had loads of stupid ideas where people wanted to send stuff without asking what was needed. It might come from a good heart, but a good heart is not enough." Disasters pose a particular conundrum for the agencies. They might be good for raising money, but in reality there is often little the Government or medium-sized Irish agencies can do in an emergency situation beyond passing on money to those who are in a position to help. Earthquake survivors, for example, need sniffer dogs, helicopters and heavy moving equipment, and Ireland is unlikely ever to be able to supply these to far-flung places. Irish missionaries were providing assistance in Africa long before the Government started its aid programme or aid agencies came into being. Much of this help came from the initiatives of individual priests, brothers or nuns, funded by their home parishes or orders. Until recently, it was assumed that this tradition was dying out, due to the increasing age of missionaries and a lack of new vocations. Now, however, the thinking is that local communities will take up the baton from missionaries, helped by continuing support from Ireland. The Irish Missionary Resource Service, set up in 2004, now handles funding applications from 82 different religious congregations; last year it got a block grant of 12 million from Development Co-operation Ireland. "Up to now, there was funding for 'Sr Mary in Tanzania' or 'Fr Dan in Kenya'. Now we've brought all this work together and we're aiming to make a sustained impact over time," says Séamus O'Gorman of the service. This year, funding is being provided for over 630 missionaries. With dozens of donor countries and thousands of aid agencies, there is a lot of duplication in the business of helping the poor. Doubling up is especially problematic in emergencies, but it also arises in development. A few years ago, Tanzania, exhausted and tied up by the constant round of visitors from the West, imposed a six-month moratorium on aid visits. To alleviate this problem, Ireland often teams up with like-minded donors - the UK, Holland and some of the Scandinavian countries. Channelling all our aid centrally through the EU might seem desirable, but the EU's aid programme is seen as inefficient, wasteful and even corrupt.

Heads I win, Tails You Loose Part 1

It is perhaps inevitable, with the change of leadership at the United Nations, that we will now be bombarded by a series of explanations, justifications and excuses from the previous management.
It may be up to academics and other researchers to completely analyze the full extent of UN dysfunction, lack of management accountability and corruption within this organization over the last decade and a half. I am convinced that it will not become “a footnote to history” as Kofi Annan so confidently asserted on BBC shortly before stepping down as Secretary General. It may well become the defining feature of the United Nations during this time that will be remembered by future generations.
Mark Malloch Brown, clearly complicit in the failure of the United Nations system, has already embarked on his own justifications in the following
"Holmes Lecture: Can the U.N. be Reformed?" to the annual meeting of ACUNS (Academic Council on the U.N. System) on 7 June 2007
It contains the usual mixture of valid argument, the confusion between real and imagined political problems and constraints, excuses for operational failures, avoiding responsibility for these failures and claims of successes where none exist.
The problems at the United Nations are varied and complex.
It may be useful to very briefly compare the United Nations today with the failure of its predecessor, the “League of Nations.”
The “League of Nations” failed politically for a number reasons, and only partially because the United States of America was not a member. Although not a member, this country was very active in the organization behind the scenes. The “League of Nations” was in many ways a good idea, perhaps before its time, and failed because its member states refused to make use of the platform it provided for the peaceful resolution of the challenges of the day.
Notwithstanding this failure, the “League of Nations” was nevertheless by all accounts administratively, bureaucratically and operationally a well-run and efficient organization that employed competent and professional staff.
The same cannot be said about the United Nations. In spite of many difficulties, its members largely seem to consider it a useful and relevant organization, as can be seen in the fact that no country has yet opted to relinquish its membership.
But, far from being a well-run and efficient organization, it is beset with management problems, unaccountability on a fantastic scale and a total disregard for the member states, its staff and its beneficiaries, burdened with unprofessional, incompetent and self-serving officials on many levels, an arena for waste and fraud on an unbelievable scale.
The starting point for UN reform is in fact a thorough housecleaning exercise to rid the organization of the charlatans, the crooks, the time servers and assorted hangers-on that dominate every aspect of the organization.
Only then can some headway be made to tackle the far more complex and intractable challenges that face the United Nations on a political level.
The name “United Nations” is in fact a bit of a misnomer. Its members are far from “united.” It is perhaps better described as a “loose and mainly acrimonious association of superpowers, ex-superpowers, wannabe-superpowers, run-of-the-mill countries, wannabe countries as well as a number of non-state actors, some alarmingly idealistic, some armed and rather nasty.”
It is nevertheless the only platform for resolving the challenges of today, challenges that are often somewhat complex and it is only an organization with a professional and competent management that can get this motley collection of countries to co-operate and to put into practice the issues on which they do occasionally agree.
Often it is UNDP that have to put these agreements into practice, and more often than not it is UNDP that fail to do so, frequently with devastating affects to those at the receiving end of these failures.
It is purely a management failure; there are no political excuses for employing crooks and criminals, no political excuses for the lack of oversight, no political excuses for the organization not following its own internal rules and regulations, no political excuses why criminals pointed out and named remain within the organization, no political excuses for the self-serving barrage of lies, propaganda and spin that issues from the organization.
Mark Malloch Brown’s speech do deserve some comment, the easiest way to do it is by copying it in its entirety, interjecting comments here and there as required.

Here it is:

UN Secretary-Generals are infamous for their reform initiatives. Each new Secretary-General has paraded plans to change the organization, and follow-on initiatives have continuously cascaded down from his 38th floor office, so that by the end of a term it seems a Secretary-General must be reforming his own reforms.
Kofi Annan was no exception. As a career UN manager he profoundly believed in the need. He introduced three major waves of reform: at the beginning of his term, when he was re-elected for a second term, and then again in his last two years. I was particularly involved in that last round.
In between, there was a steady trickle of lesser proposals. Across the road in the UN funds and programs, such as UNDP where I was Administrator for six years, or at the agencies in Geneva, Rome, and elsewhere, we, the different chiefs, also had reform-prolix. We were all at it.
Probably, the UN is the rare organization where the internal talk seemed to be more about reform than sex. And staff and delegates were largely fed up with it, reform, that is. Each new initiative led to greater levels of cynicism and reform-fatigue. It was often dismissed as being about politics, not real change.
The critics were half-right. UN reform is about politics in the sense that it is a response to the frustration of governments and the UN’s other stakeholders and partners that our capacity to get results seemed so impaired. People wanted more from us.
(Absolutely. Such as better and more accountable management in operational activities. This has nothing to do with politics. We were and still are disappointed in this.)
Unable to deliver, we kept on trying to fix the machine. It became an occupational obsession. And for nobody more than a Secretary-General, who, despite his elevated status, had less management power than many of his underlings. I had certainly much greater management authority at UNDP. There, a relatively harmonious board had demanded results but given me the space and the say over budgets, staffing, and priorities to achieve them. And at UNDP reform was better than sex! Staff had seen it work and were for the most part, themselves enthusiastic agents of change. By contrast, the UN was a political bog. Almost nothing moved.
The last Annan reforms at the UN came after the Oil-for-Food scandal. This sequence posed the reform issue particularly sharply, in that was this just about politics. Were the proposals we made, after Paul Volcker reported, an attempt to deflect the allegations of wrong-doing by changing the conversation and talking about reforms or were they a serious effort to fix something? The American right wing, who led the charge calling for the resignation of Kofi Annan and fundamental reform of a corrupt institution, were initially wrong-footed by our calls for reform starting in early 2005. How could they not support these calls.
To their chagrin Volcker did not find a particularly corrupt organization. Only a small handful of UN officials seemed to have been guilty of taking bribes or other unethical behavior.
(Even in the most corrupt business or government it is always only a small handful of officials who take bribes or indulge in unethical behaviour. That is the nature of corruption. Corruption cannot work if everybody does it. Corruption, however, do get out of hand when staff in general are pressured to remain quiet about it and when management make excuses for it. A very typical excuse, and perhaps the poorest excuse, is the claim that only a small handful of officials are guilty of taking bribes or other unethical behaviour.)
Even one case of corruption is too much but it was so much less than the UN’s fevered critics claimed. Billions of dollars of oil revenue appeared to have been directed honestly towards Iraq’s immediate needs, which was the purpose of the program.
(Yes, but the transaction costs were much higher than it should have been, by perhaps as much as 20%. That is the corruption. No business or government accused of corruption has yet made the excuse that it nevertheless also do honestly what it is supposed to do, and many corrupt businesses, such as for example, some oil companies, are also very efficient in what they are supposed to do. It is not an acceptable excuse and the United Nations should not use it.)
The real corruption to a fair-minded reader of the Volcker reports was not that of the UN. The corruption was between companies which were buying Iraq’s oil and selling the country goods and the Iraqi government which organized an elaborate kickback scheme with the companies that allowed monies to be skimmed off. And the principal blame for this probably should be laid at the door of the governments that either condoned or turned a blind eye to these corporate crimes. That was the big scandal.
(Although not as foolish as to put it into exactly those words, this perspective comes dangerously close to the argument put forth by Mr. Brown’s subordinate at UNDP, Erick de Mul, who when faced with the disappearance of funds from a project dismissed concerns with “(UNDP’s) responsibility is limited to the formulation and financing of the project.” The Oil-for-Food Programme was formulated and financed through the UN. The UN was accountable as to how the funds were spent. It was the responsibility of the UN to inform on countries and companies that allowed monies to be skimmed of. The UN did not do so. The UN either condoned or turned a blind eye to the governments that either condoned or turned a blind eye to these corporate crimes. That is the big scandal.)
The UN’s fault lay elsewhere. It was not corrupt but incompetent. (A form of corruption.) Its failures were supervisory and operational. (A form of corruption.) There was inadequate auditing and in many cases little-to-no attempt to rectify the faults that were found in audit. (A form of corruption.) The muddled lines of responsibility and accountability went all the way to the top.
(A form of corruption. Which top is referred to here? The top such as the Secretary General and the Heads of Agencies?)
Where I was, at UNDP, as disappointing was the way the Oil-for-Food Program had become a major income source for cash-strapped parts of the UN system that had no business being in Iraq in the first place. (A form of corruption.) I found that, because of arcane administrative rules requiring us to find another UN entity actually to implement operationally our program in Iraq, UNDP were using a UN Secretariat department whose traditional work was drafting reports and servicing conferences to rehabilitate the electricity system in the Kurdish parts of northern Iraq. Inevitably, little had happened. The lights and power were still off.
I put a stop to this and had UNDP take direct charge under a couple of our strongest field managers. We planted them on site and results quickly showed.
Another UN agency eager to grab a share of the action proposed to build a chalk factory to service the country’s schools, rather than allowing Iraq to import chalk. Years later having failed to manufacture chalk that could withstand contact with a blackboard, the factory was closed. How school children and their teachers got by in the meantime is not clear.
(These examples only work if one ignores UNDP’s own very long list of failures, a very small selection of which is reported on by Matthew Lee on www.innercitypress.com.)
For a manager confronted with such examples, reform becomes not politics or spin but, a necessity and a deeply-held conviction. You feel ready to throw yourself against a wall as many times as it takes and however bruising, in the hope of breaking through and moving reform forward. The world surely could not afford a dysfunctional United Nations and conscience did not allow any good manager to preside idly for long over such a poorly functioning system. Yet the honest judgment on accumulated decades of these efforts is that, while different bits of the UN system have been able to move ahead and improve performance, as a whole the gap between capacity and demand is increasing. The world wants more of the UN, and it is only able to deliver less. (or nothing at all.)
A second part of the judgment is that reform led by managers alone is a tall order.
(Therefore it may be useful to listen to concerned staff, close observers and beneficiaries instead of punishing them.)
Governments need to be on board, and powerful ones need to lead. The reforms of 2005 were based on proposals by Kofi Annan to governments that drew on several panels he had commissioned. These were screened and debated by UN diplomats and made the basis of the draft Summit Declaration in the run-up to the Heads of Government meeting at the UN in September 2005.
While a number of reforms covering peace-building, human rights, development, humanitarian relief, and management made it through the labored preparatory process of drafting committees by the eve of the Summit, the writing was on the wall. Frustrated diplomats still had more than a hundred brackets, as they call them, in the text. That is, language they had not agreed to. With impeccable timing the secretariat produced a compromise text the day before the summit. Key ambassadors were called during the morning in a carefully orchestrated sequence, which included me calling Condi Rice’s delegation, already ensconced at the Waldorf, to by-pass the irascible US ambassador John Bolton. This effort culminated in a lunchtime release of the text. Ambassadors, alarmed at the imminent arrival of their Presidents without a text to show them, fell into line. It was easy to defer to Kofi Annan’s compromise. So there was a summit and a declaration.
But as soon as the Presidents were gone, battle was joined again. Impassioned divisions between North and South reopened: the North wanted more on security, including an unambiguous definition of terrorism; the South wanted more on development, choosing to treat the huge aid pledges made at Gleneagles in preparation for the Summit as old news and less important than having a few extra officials to service UN meetings on development. On management reform, even more damagingly, developing countries chose to view a stronger
Secretary-General with greater authority but also greater accountability as a plot to increase American and Western control over the organization.
The series of reforms to fix the basics that I, my predecessor Louise Frechette and a dedicated group of UN officials had carefully crafted, with the help of McKinsey’s senior partner Rajat Gupta and his team, proposed personnel reforms to allow mobility and better quality of staff; a more rational budget process, together with flexibility so that every single post was not approved by a committee of 192 member states; topping up field salaries and contract terms to overcome high vacancy rates and rapid staff turnover in our peacekeeping operations; (Throwing money at a problem hardly ever manages to solve that problem. High vacancy rates have nothing to do with the already obscenely generous UN salaries. All it has done is attract parasites and freeloaders sitting around not doing much more than gloat on their fantastically unrealistic terms of employment.) a new outside audit committee to ensure real compliance in correcting financial control problems; and proper terms of reference for the Deputy Secretary-General to make him or her a real chief operating officer for this sprawling under-managed organization. Pretty much all of the management reforms, despite the summit leaders’ endorsement either went down in flames at once or through less dramatic, but no less lethal, attrition over time. What was let through was hollow and silly. Our proposals had been were blocked by diplomats who cared little about management but a lot about politics.
Despite the finding of Volcker that the Secretary-General and his Deputy did not know who was in charge of Oil-for-Food, I served my time as Deputy without a terms of reference because the Secretary-General and I concluded it would be too controversial to commit anything to paper. It would be opposed on principle as an attempted Western coup. More power for a British deputy would mean less power for an African Secretary-General. In truth, however, nothing disempowers a chief more than having no deputy with clearly delegated responsibilities.
The political stubbornness was management folly.
(This requires some clarification. The Secretary General employs, unilaterally and without transparency his old friend as a new deputy without any terms of reference, to resolve, amongst other things, the un-transparent, unilateral employment of friends as senior staff without terms of reference?)
There was, though, provocation. Paul Volcker himself, as an American chair of the Oil-for-Food investigation, was seen by many ambassadors to be adding fuel to trumped-up Washington charges. Therefore, much of the membership had already made its mind up about his report before it was received. It was dead on arrival. Few wanted to be seen as embracing reform as a consequence of an American neoconservative witch hunt against Kofi Annan and the UN.
This was to miss Paul Volcker’s own disquiet with the allegations and the political name-calling. His calm investigation into the facts took the air out of the five congressional investigations and the almost daily tirades of Fox News and the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal. His investigations established the truth and arguably saved the UN. But his argument about thenecessity of major management reform was lost in the hubbub.
The greater provocation came, though, from America’s accidental ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton. He had arrived in July 2005 banished from the State Department, but needing a prominent position, with a well-advertised anti-UN record. The Wall Street Journal, in trumpeting his credentials, several times in editorials referred to my imprudent partial endorsement.
Seeking a silver lining, I had told them that if he became a champion of reforms at the UN, he would be better placed than anyone else to sell them to Washington. No one would suspect him of going soft on the UN.
By July when he arrived, the drumbeat of reform was loud in both New York, as the delegates ploughed on with their negotiations of a summit reform text. Indeed, my main fear was that Bolton might try to trump our proposals with something even more far-reaching and therefore less likely to succeed. However, he adopted our proposals without ever quite saying so.
It was quickly evident he did not have the knowledge of management in general or the workings of the UN in particular to come up with anything of his own. Nor was it ever clear whether his real intent was to reform or wreck the UN.
With antagonism towards John Bolton running high, the consent of the world leaders was a hollow victory. As soon as they had left New York, the ambassadors fell on each other again, full of recrimination and score-settling. Dumisani Kumalo, who was South Africa’s ambassador and chairman of the G-77, led the developing countries in their growing opposition to any more talk of Western reforms. Bolton threatened to block the new two years’ budget, due to start in January 2006, to force agreement to the reforms. Developing country counterparts, who seemed almost as keen to provoke a shutdown, convinced themselves that closing down the UN would backfire on him in the same way Newt Gingrich’s similar budgetary action, closing down the American Federal Government, had boomeranged a decade earlier in Washington. Annan and I considered this a real conceit. Many, not just on the right, would have seen the UN’s shuttered headquarters on Manhattan’s First Avenue as a victory and the world was unlikely to launch into a crisis as a result. The field operations, which by contrast would have been quickly missed because they kept the peace and saved lives, would for an odd budgetary quirk have carried on much as before. So, instead we brokered a deal to put the budget on a six-month installment while negotiations on reform acrimoniously continued.
The mood just got worse. By the middle of 2006, the reformers essentially threw in the towel. The budget cap was lifted and face was saved with a few positive comments by all sides, including pious comments from Dumisani Kumalo about the G-77’s commitment to reform. Then, it was back to business as dysfunctional usual.
A couple of important new institutions had been squeezed through: the Human Rights Council and the Peacebuilding Commission. To have failed to follow through on the Leaders’ Summit commitment to those two institutions would have been too public an act of insubordination by ambassadors to their political masters. Other than that, though, reform was now reduced to what we could press through under our limited executive powers. Where later inter-governmental approval was necessary, we gambled on the inter-governmental mood improving. We focused on personnel reform. First, we tried to tackle a running sore of the UN, the backroom deals that that surrounded the top appointments. We began to publish short lists of candidates for the most senior jobs, along with job descriptions and criteria for the selection. We also reached out widely to governments but also NGOs for candidates, as well as conducting our own parallel search efforts. We began to use headhunters.
This was quickly noticed. At the same time as the World Bank Board was loyally rubberstamping the closed selection by the White House of Paul Wolfowitz, the Defense Department deputy and neo-conservative architect of the Iraq War a real development professional Kemal Dervis, a Turkish economist and governmental reformer with decades of developmental experience, emerged from one of the first of these processes as the new head of UNDP. The contrast (What contrast? Surely you mean the similarities?) could not have been more marked.
(A worthwhile sentiment but a bit pointless if UNDP then continues as wasteful, unaccountable, corrupt and inefficient as it had been under Mark Malloch Brown. The only real difference between Kemal Dervis and Mark Malloch Brown is the fact that Mr. Dervis, rather than making a fool of himself by himself, prefers to make use of his lapdog, the failed Dutch politician, Ad Melkert to make inappropriate and offensive public statements.)
Soon, we had similarly good outcomes for, among others, the selection of the new High Commissioner for Refugees, the Under Secretary-Generals for Oversight (but still no oversight) and children in armed conflict and the head of the UNEP, among others.
We also put senior people onto a much more accountable contract, as they had become almost impossible to remove. We added a clause reminding them that they served at the pleasure of the Secretary-General and that he reserved the right to remove them with three months’ notice.
Reflecting on our rocky path, I had concluded by the middle of 2006 that, while a Secretary-General could drive reform with smart proposals that countries could rally around in a way they never would if an individual country proposed them, there was no alternative to a real commitment by countries to a better UN. If they remained outside, lobbing grenades at reform, we could not progress.
By mid 2006, I had had enough. My frustration went much deeper than John Bolton. It seemed to me that the United States had to be the indispensable partner in UN reform. It was the architect of the institution and no major innovations had occurred without its sponsorship and, usually, leadership. Perversely, although its motives and positions often evoked the most suspicion and hostility, countries liked to be able to fall in with the United States. They deferred to American leadership and had done so repeatedly over sixty years. The speed with which the new US Ambassador Zal Khalilzad has been able to turn around the mood in New York indicates this. Diplomats want to get on with America.
The US, long before John Bolton or the Bush Administration, had treated its UN role as a casual seigniorial right, rather than as a unique diplomatic authority to be cultivated and invested in. The United States would use the UN when it suited it, but did little or nothing to speak up for it or support it in between. And when the UN was not convenient, it was equally casually discarded. I would grumble that we were like a menu from which the US ordered sparingly on a la carte basis. There was no recognition that, to make the UN function effectively, it was necessary to buy all the courses, we were a prix fix deal!
By the early summer of 2006, with reform failing, it seemed the time had come to try to appeal directly to the American people. A forum presented itself in a conference on US foreign policy by the Century Foundation and the Center for American Progress. While the speakers were bi-partisan, the organizers had a distinct Democratic Party hue. But I chose not to wait for a more neutral forum. The speech, or at least the speaker, could not wait.
Carefully with no mention of Bolton and no direct criticism of President Bush, I laid out the complaint: the US took the UN for granted. Presidents and their administrations had lost the habit of standing up for the UN against its critics and of educating Americans in the UN’s usefulness to American foreign policy objectives.
(Maybe it would have been more constructive and useful to restrict this attack to the present US administration and specific representatives of the American government rather than the American people. To be anti-American these days is nothing original. Anybody with half a brain, including a very large percentage of the American population, even the Fox-news-watching-middle-Americans, have many serious concerns about the present American administration.)
The location, the speaker, and the theme were too much for Bolton, who was quickly at his microphone outside the Security Council. He demanded that the Secretary-General disown it and that I apologize. Neither happened, and indeed in his closing weeks in office Kofi Annan gave a similar speech from the Truman Library where he was able to gently compare American leadership then and now. What Bolton’s outburst did do, however, was allow my speech to become defining in terms of the US-UN relationship. In perhaps the best barometer of impact, the
Bolton-Malloch Brown spat it made it onto Jon Stewart Daily Show, where Bolton was portrayed as a walrus, and was debated in editorials and blogs across the country.
A lot of Americans and others around the world had clearly hankered for some kind of correction to the hectoring and bullying the United Nations had suffered at the hands of its US critics. White House behavior that had allowed the attacks to proceed largely unchallenged, even as it turned to the UN for vital strategic assistance in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East, was too much for many fair-minded people to stomach.
(Any and all countries, and their citizens, that are members of the UN, have the right to be critical of the UN, even if they are then accused of hectoring and bullying, AND the right to simultaneously turn to it for vital strategic assistance. That is why the United Nations was created; for the benefit of its member states NOT for the benefit of the United Nations.)
In an unanticipated reaction, the professionals in the State Department and elsewhere in Washington, while irritated at having to navigate yet another small tsunami in a fraught relationship, were inclined to discount my words as an inevitable corrective in the light of the US right’s assault. What could a pro-American senior UN official do to preserve his perceived objectivity with other states, went their thinking. For them, the incident was further evidence that Bolton must be doing terrible damage to so provoke a friend of America!
The underlying point that my speech sought to confront, though, was that reform in the UN was impossible without the United States. Snarling from the sidelines was a deeply damaging substitute for honest engagement. The United States had to patiently build a widening coalition of the like-minded if it was to press through the changes the organization so badly needed. In 1945, when the US led, the UN was established, an astonishing diplomatic achievement by any standard.
The question for the future is, how reform will be again set up for real action? A new Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, is following the path of his predecessors and proposing to move bits and pieces of the structure around. Nothing yet indicates that he understands the scale of change required. It is easy to imagine reform slumping into a long period of tinkering with the UN machinery in a way that allows the gap to increase between performance and growing need.
Events are, however, likely to bring matters to a head. First, that growing gap between UN performance and the scale of global problems will prompt a renewal of calls to address UN weakness more systematically. When politicians reach for a solution for climate change or a war and cannot find it, this absence will build the case for a better UN. And if the direction of global events leads, as it inevitably must, to more such demands on the UN, the call for reform is likely to grow steadily. In that sense, a fresh try at reform remains inevitable and the question remains “when”, not “if”.
Real reforms will require major concessions from powerful and weak countries alike. The inter-governmental gridlock between the big contributors and the rest of the membership concerning governance and voting is the core dysfunction. To overcome it, both sides would have to rise above their own current sense of entrenched rights and privileges and find a grand bargain to allow a new more realistic governance model for the UN.
That may take a crisis. Indeed, if 1945 created a moment of malleability and vision because of war, there sadly may need to be some similar spur – environmental catastrophe, terrorist attack, global recession, a major breakdown of peace. One wishes for none of them, but it may be that we only see the necessary galvanization of reform when such a crisis is viewed as having been brought about in some major part by the absence of the international means to manage it.
So reform is likely to move, from a UN management worthily trying to keep up with what it is asked to do, to a real restructuring. This may occur, however, only in the aftermath of events that bring countries to the table ready finally to do business and cut a new deal on the UN.
That said, some kind of perfect storm where events drive reform seems likely sooner rather than later.
I had thought early in 2005 that we might at the September summit reach something significant, even if short of that. Kofi Annan and I both used the term “a San Francisco Moment” for what we hoped would be some kind of renewing of vows by member states to the organization. Yet what seemed the strong pillars for such a recommitment – fighting poverty, addressing security, and promoting human rights and democracy – were not enough to lift us above the fray between the US and its critics.
(The trajectory of the United Nations, rather than heading for some sort of “San Francisco Moment,” seem to be more consistent with the collapse of other abusive, corrupt and outmoded systems such as Soviet Union style Communism and Apartheid, both of which collapsed under the combined weight of their own internal contradictions and external circumstances out of their control. In these systems reform was likewise an ongoing obsession, until dynamics, driven by and large by ordinary people, forced them into the rubbish bin of history where they belong.)
Understanding what real reform entails may explain why it seems delegates will fall on almost any excuse not to discuss it. Scrapping in the committee rooms and not grasping the reform nettle can look like a good option for diplomats scared of being drawn into major concessions of rights and privileges that have been the bread and butter of member state representatives.
The bar is so high for UN reform because the most powerful and the weakest member states both need to give ground in order to make additional space for the emerging new powers. A Britain or France may need to move aside to make room for India or Brazil. But, equally, small countries will have to allow these same new regional powers a preferred status. The pretence of equality will recede further.
The veto rights of the US, China, Russia, Britain, and France have become the outward symbol of a system still skewed towards the victors of 1945. An irreverent Italian ambassador in New York, when challenging the notion that Germany and Japan might now get permanent seats on the Security Council but not Italy, wondered why, given that the privilege was now apparently being extended from those who won to those who lost in 1945.
In 2005 and 2006, two reform options were considered: the first was to add new permanent members but without, it was concluded, the veto. The candidates would be Japan, Germany, Brazil, India and two undetermined countries from Africa. The second option was to create an intermediate class of membership where countries would be elected to six-year renewable terms rather than being given permanent membership. It was hoped this would lead to greater accountability and be more democratic than permanent membership.
Both options fell short probably of the overall change required. This was largely because of a little-challenged assumption that the current P-5 would never give up the privileged terms of
their own membership. However, the same was said about the European Union, where similarly Britain and others clung onto the veto until it threatened to invalidate the institution as a whole.
There comes a moment in diplomatic calculation, when preserving power inside an organization is more than offset by the consequent loss of that organization’s own power. What is the privilege worth if it is power in an increasingly powerless organisation. Holding more of less needs to be weighed against holding less of more. That negotiator’s tipping-point will be arrived at in the UN, regrettably only perhaps when it is in the throes of crisis and its legitimacy and representativeness under assault.
(Mr. Brown seems to rely pretty heavily here on some premises of Game Theory. Although a powerful, and increasingly popular, tool for the analysis of decision making procedure, it often relies on simplifications that cannot be easily translated into the complexities of the real world. It may also be possible that some countries would rather be powerful members of a powerless institution than powerless members of a powerful institution. It is just conceivable that the United Nations may become a small, poorly funded organization based in the Balkans or Sudan, that concerns itself exclusively with mitigating the consequences of intractable conflicts and that the real work of conflict prevention, development, health, education and so on will be done by a range of newer, more streamlined dedicated institutions created for that purpose. These may perhaps be based at regional levels rather than as international institutions. It may be a mistake to assume the existence of the United Nations as a given.)
The reform that emerges will need, however, to have a built-in flexibility that will selfadjust representation arrangements as power shifts. The mistake of 1945 was to set a particular order and privileges in stone. As the last decades have shown, countries can rise or fall very fast.
The need is to be able to correct their representation in a low-key semi-mechanical, self adjusting way that avoids a political showdown.
My successor as administrator of UNDP, Kemal Dervis, has proposed a weighted voting system for the Security Council similar to that of the World Bank. Unlike the World Bank, countries would not formally vote on behalf of their region or constituency on security matters.
Nevertheless, one can imagine a country’s weighting being determined by GDP, population, UN financial contributions, and peacekeeping and aid levels. We slipped in the latter three conditions of global good citizenship to the election criteria for the new Peacebuilding Commission. There are early signs that it is creating a little bit of healthy competitive pressure between candidates as they seek to prove their eligibility.
Reform of the Security Council can easily lead one to sound like an institutional chiropractor. If only this critical piece of the organization’s spine is properly aligned around members that are thought to represent the world as it is today, goes the hope, then the alignment will fall down through the lower spine, arms, and legs as the whole UN body politic recalibrates itself.
The resuscitation of the developing countries’ opposition lobby, the G-77, certainly owes a lot to this fight for a more representative Security Council. The G-77 had become a club for hardliners like Cuba, Venezuela, and Syria until India, Brazil, South Africa, and others essentially revived it as a means of confronting the West on UN reform and thereby ultimately securing membership of the Security Council.
Perhaps even more than adjusting vertebrae, such a change could draw the poison from discussion. Each intergovernmental forum from the Human Rights Council, the management and budget committees, the Economic and Social Council, the Committee for the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinians, and the rest of the alphabetic cacophony of committees, councils, and governing boards exhibit the same distorted behavior patterns. Each has become about politics and point-scoring. The proper work has too often been jettisoned.
Hopefully, therefore, one could envisage the fever receding; the Human Rights Council becoming a serious deliberative place where delegates of real stature debate countries’ performance and behavior against objective human rights criteria rather than crude political targets; the Fifth Committee, which covers budget and administrative matters, might recognize that a group of almost 200 generally-junior diplomats, one from each country, with little management experience, is not the best way to manage the affairs of the institution, and so begin by reforming themselves, either by creating small professional sub-committees or by promoting external control mechanisms like an audit and oversight committee whose membership would be of the highest professional standards; when the Economic and Social Council ends its interminable discussions of abstract development objectives and policies and becomes a very practical inter-ministerial committee for the Millennium Development Goals, tracking progress, identifying problems, building agreement between donors and poor countries for corrective solutions. In other words an inter-governmental system that works to make the world a better place.
The World Bank, which has struggled for years under the handicap of having its President chosen in the White House and its policies allegedly too much under the thumb of its Washington neighbor the US Treasury, has been struggling with the composition of its Board.
Too easily, vital issues like corruption, universal primary education, or economic reform become hopelessly politicized by both sides. Then, lending slows up, projects become ever more timid in their scope, and political support from donors and recipient countries alike starts to slip away. Paul Wolfowitz became engulfed in the kind of leadership crisis that this lack of legitimacy and acceptance engenders.
Getting a stable inter-governmental platform, where all have a voice but one weighted to power and contribution, is a vital foundation step to a more stable international system. Good can only flow from it, not least if empowered governments leads to empowered UN management.
As I said at the start, taking a demotion to come over from running UNDP to be Kofi Annan’s chief of staff was a much bigger step down than I had anticipated. Rather than a man in charge of my own show I was to be chief of staff, but to the man who was nominally the most powerful person in the UN system, the Secretary-General himself. Instead, I found when it came to management and budgetary matters, he was less influential than I had been. Whereas I had a cooperative Board that had not been infected by this bitter political confrontation, he was hostage to intergovernmental warfare much more committed to its own fight than to allowing a Secretary- General the authority to lead and manage the UN.
What we could do at UNDP on our longer leash was remarkable. UNDP had doubled its resources as a reward for reform.
(Largely by tapping into donations from private companies under the ill-conceived and grossly inappropriate “Global Compact”, an initiative that has consistently resisted seeking authorization of the General Assembly in spite of repeated auditors recommendations that this should be done. Surely inter-governmental institutions should rely for their funding on governments so that those governments can then have some control over what they do. UNDP is not, and should not be, a free agent raising operational funds from whomever they please.)
In several performance assessments by donors, it moved to the top of the league in terms of its client satisfaction ratings and business efficiency.
(Really? Where are these reports?
“A World of Development Experience,” the UNDP Annual report for 2003 claims: “Partners Say They Value UNDP” quoting “A survey across 118 countries” that “found high approval rates.” They then produce the following very encouraging results: All respondents 87%; Governments 92%; UN Agencies 82%; International Financial Institutions 78%; Bilaterals 74%; Civil Society 86% and Private Sector 90%. The opinion of Beneficiaries, the only people that really count, is not mentioned anywhere, but one can well believe that these could be what UNDP simply classify as Other 90% and Unknown 95%.
In the same year Research Conducted for the 2020 Fund by GlobeScan Inc for the Second Survey of the 2020 Global Stakeholder Panel, dated March 2004 and entitled “What NGO Leaders Want for the Year 2020 NGO, Leaders’ Views on Globalisation, Governance, and Sustainability” has the following to say:
“Respondents were asked a number of questions dealing specifically with the UN and its leadership capacity. Over nine in ten (94%) NGO leaders agree that the UN system needs to be significantly strengthened in both powers and effectiveness. Further, pluralities of NGO leaders think it is “very important” that the UN Security Council (55%), the UN General Assembly (42%), and the UN secretariat and its agencies (39%) are reformed to achieve their ideal vision of global governance. Fully six in ten (60%) say the same about multilateral agencies. In all cases, Southern NGO leaders are more strongly in favour of UN reform than their Northern peers. Less than one in two (45%) NGO leaders agree that the UN is capable of dealing with current world challenges. Despite this, only two in ten (19%) believe that the UN should be disbanded and replaced with new global institutions. The desire for UN reform is evident among Northern and Southern NGO leaders. However, Southern leaders (25%) are slightly more likely than those in the North (14%) to believe that the UN should be disbanded and replaced with new global institutions. This finding, which is consistent with global public opinion, is particularly important given that a large part of the UN’s work is directed toward the developing world. While NGO leaders are as sceptical as the global public regarding the UN’s capacity to manage world challenges (45% vs. 44%) in the wake of the Iraq conflict, they are much more likely than the global public to believe that the UN system needs to be strengthened in both powers and effectiveness (94% vs. 77%). As a whole, however, NGO leaders are less likely than the global public to believe that the UN should be disbanded (19% vs. 36%). This suggests that while leaders believe reforms are needed, the UN continues to have a relevant and necessary role in their ideal vision of global governance, more so than the general public.”
And UNDP tries to tell us that they, amongst all of the UN agencies, have almost universal credibility and that people value them. The word “value” is far too vague to have any statistical meaning.)
Annual internal staff surveys showed it to be a highly motivated place with a staff who felt they were making a difference, enjoyed their work, and for the most part respected their managers.
The personnel reforms that we made so little progress on at the UN because of continuous political interference had sailed through UNDP.
(Staff Council Chairman, Dimitri Samaras, gives tough answers to a no-holds barred interview with UNDP NEWS Editor, Nosh Nalavala (May 2001)
Unfortunately, despite the Resident Representative competency assessment, we still have Resident Representatives who are not familiar with human resources management and prefer to “govern by fear”. Abuses can occur very easily if staff do not speak out and know their rights. Unscrupulous managers with threats of non-renewal of contracts, etc., can easily intimidate staff in country offices.
But the results of the Global Staff Survey taken last year indicate that staff has a much better relationship with management. Staff morale seems to have improved.
Let’s be honest. The results of any survey can be interpreted to show the desired trend. If a certain soap powder is subjected to a survey and the results show that 50% think it is a good product and 50% do not, it is logical that the company will use only the good comments in their advertising. In the case of the 2000 Staff Survey, only about 40% of the staff responded and of that number, only about half indicated that things were better. Incidentally, the 1999 survey was answered by about 65% of the staff. I’m not sure what that indicates, but one could say either that those who did not respond would not respond to a survey anyway, no matter what the context. On the other hand, one could say that they did not respond because they are so fed up that they don’t believe replying would change anything. And that is unfortunate. The Administrator is very much aware of the issue and wants to change the present trend. Therefore, for the corporate and individual interest, we must remain proactive.
Do you really believe that UNDP staff has reached the nadir of cynicism or are you being pessimistic?
No. I always try to look on the bright side! But I do believe that UNDP staff does not realize the importance of such surveys. If they answer the questions and report when they are not satisfied, this will be reflected in the results and it will be reported to the Administrator by the consulting firm. If 50, 60 or 70% of the staff give a low rating on a particular question, this is important. If these unhappy people do not bother to answer, they will not be heard. If the consultants receive responses only from people who are satisfied, then these are the results that will be reported to the Administrator and by him to the Executive Board, and no one can argue or blame him because this will be the true result of the survey!)

We had put in tough rules of mobility, forcing people to go to the field to win further promotions. We were able to establish schemes to recruit and develop bright diverse younger staff and to retain and support our women colleagues as they balanced careers, difficult travel, and hardship assignments with families.
Early on we had reduced the headquarters staff by 20%, dramatically simplified our focus, and then required all of our field offices to take out functions and activities that no longer fitted with the new priorities. The savings allowed us to staff up around our new key areas such as democracy-building and post-conflict. We were able to re-fit the organization for what our developing countries wanted from us. In the process, we got faster and better at what we did.
Clearly when I left there was still a lot to be done. Although much stronger than in the UN, proper audit and controls for example needed further strengthening.
(Finally, Mr. Brown slips in the crux of the matter as an aside. This shows that any reform at UNDP, if indeed there was any reform, was at best done upside down. UNDP needed, and still desperately need, to strengthen its audit and internal controls, as a matter of urgent priority. It needs to rid itself of incompetent and corrupt staff and managers, prosecute wrongdoers, correct past mistakes, publicly acknowledge and take responsibility for those mistakes and only then consolidate its activities with the assistance of capable and motivated staff. It is irresponsible, at best, not to do so, and without doing so there cannot be any reform, no matter how much Mr. Brown want to claim that there was such a thing. The present staff are more concerned with working for an organization that has $4 billion available annually; few internal controls and no audits. That is all that is relevant to them. How long can an organization function in such an environment without attracting a criminal element?)
Like later in the UN, I had help from McKinsey. In this instance we all were anxious to learn from them to weigh what worked in the private sector and whether it was transferable to the public sector. At the UN, before McKinsey had given any advice, the company was, predictably, already tagged as an American Trojan horse. It was the enemy, not the consultant.
The contrast was remarkable, and the lesson perhaps obvious. Until the sense of crisis at the UN is strong enough to make governments let go of their own agendas, there cannot be the kind of cathartic recommitment and renewal of the UN proper that is required. Until then, satellites like UNDP or WFP will continue to do well, and at the center the tinkering will go on but it will be no substitute for real reform.
The roadblock to reform is inter-governmental gridlock. A good Secretary-General, like Kofi Annan and a dedicated committed UN staff alone cannot overcome this. Nor, however is it right to single out the US, the G-77 or for that matter Europe or others to blame. And it is certainly not right to take an individual ambassador and lay the blame at his door.
All are symptoms of a system imprisoned in a 1945 structure that set everyone at each others’ throats in a 2007 world. Until statesmen are willing to step forward and negotiate a new government which gives everybody significant confidence of ownership to stop acting like dissident shareholders using any means or device to stop the show; and rather be willing to allow an empowered accountable management to lead a modern UN under the strategic direction of governments, the UN will continue to disappoint.
The world has never in human history been more integrated but less governed. Problems from terrorism to climate change, crime and poverty, migration or public health, security and trade, have escaped national control and the UN is in no state to catch them.
(From personal experience, the UN, specifically UNDP, is in no state to catch the criminals in its own midst. Being abused by UNDP, in one of many letters to them, my African colleagues stated “those who suffer are always us, since it is foreigners who drive the train of deceit.” When these letters finally, after a number of years, solicited a response, UNDP acknowledged the difficulties that they were causing but excused themselves from having to resolve them by stating simply “our responsibility is limited to the formulation and financing of the project.”)
How long can we allow such a global dysfunction to endure? Thank you.